ARRI MB-20 MKII MatteBox with Chrosziel QR Plate 15-19mm
The ARRI MB-20 (4x5.65) is a robust & modular compact mattebox that can accept wide angle lenses like the Fujinon 13x4.5 - the MB-20 can be attached to the camera via 15mm - 19mm rods or a clip-on adapter. Control flare with 4 x flags. Change lenses with a swing-away bracket.
The Niche MB-20 Mattebox kits also include a 'Chrosziel Quick-release baseplate with 19mm rods, offering more camera stability than a standard baseplate.
ARRI MB-20 MatteBox (2 x rotating stages - 138 rear filter ring)
4x5.65 filter holders x 2
4x4 filter holder x 1
85mm / 95mm / 100mm donuts
85mm / 95mm / 100mm connectors for clip-on mode
Flags x 4
Clip-on adaptor
Swing away bracket
Chrosziel Quick-release baseplate with 19mm rods
The MB20 & Chrosziel baseplate / 19mm rods travel in a aluminum roadcase
$NZ 120.00 per day, exclusive of 10% insurance & 15% gst